Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ladies, ladies, ladies!

Ladies, ladies, ladies!

What are we doing to ourselves? I see stupidity and insecurities everyday. I ain't here to judge. I'm guilty of being insecure and stupid at times. But you live and you learn right?

Can we please stop letting these men run all over us? Its funny when we say "where all the good men at?" Yo! How are you gonna get a good man when you ain't even good yourself? You don't love your self, and have no self esteem... so you go fuck anyone and everyone who says hi to you.

My male friends point out stuff in my friends all the time and tell me not to be like them. "That one gives off the vibe of a hoe, you can tell by the way she dresses" ladies... baby phat and apple bottom is not to be worn if over 18! Real talk. Apple bottom does cater to us ladies with more junk in the trunk but to do have to rock the cheapest looking pair? Its called hoodrat wear! Step your clothes game up. You don't have to be a label whore. There are places' like forever 21, love couture, or H&M...

"That one is thirsty for male attention, she keeps smiling in everyones face" smiling in every niggas face that says hi to you is lame! Let them chase you! Okay smiling is good but ladies you know when you do that lil dip, n stick out some certain body parts and giggle to everything they say... stop! Come on you know you doing to much. Just be you and be confident! There's some one for everyone.

"She keep going threw his stuff, if you dig deep, you might find something you don't like" I've looked n looked and found stuff I didn't want to see. Most womens excuses are [even mine was] "well if he didn't give me a reason I wouldn't have to" true... BUT what if there wasn't anythig ever there. You just tore a rift in your solid relationships over an insecurity you had... possibly from a past relationship? Its hard not to bring the past into the future... but if you can't move forward from the past... you shouldn't be in this new relationship. He souldnt have to pay for his mistakes.

"If he cheats once, he'll do it again" we all know this is true! But why get mad at the female he cheated on you with? 4 times outta 5 she didn't know shit about you. My ex husband told a female I was his roomate! Now here were my insecuirties and stupidity came into play... the first time he cheated on me I continued to be with him, while stupidly thinking he would change which that thinking gave me a false sence of secuirty.

We can take back our dignaty and self esteem.. don't let anyone bring you down! Be solid, hold yourself down and your kids if you have any. Hopefully you are in that relationship soo great that nothing I wrote matters.

"Pussy is not the most powerful thing, the way we love is the most powerful thing"

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This one is deep Tay. I think this type of behavior stems from the level of self esteem a woman has. This is set at a very early age. And it starts with the first men in our lives, our fathers. I was fortunate enough to have my Daddy and I'm also fortunate enough to have my children's Father in their lives. The self confindence he put into me all of my life has given me the strength to run my own businesses, marry, have thee highest level of SELF RESPECT ever and truely mother my children.

    I have to disagree to a certain extent about the POWER OF PUSSY. We have all the power. We are the REIGNING QUEENS OF THIS EARTH, and from our pussy we birth our KINGS AND QUEENS. It all starts from US. I see you say your of a biracial decent and I mean no disrespect, but history does not lie.

    Keep this stuff coming Tay, and thanks for turning me on to it!
