Saturday, January 9, 2010

the last 18 hours

The last 18 hours has been HELL!
Why do the people you care for the most always seem to let you down and hurt you the worst?
Maybe its because the people we care for the most are always our closest confadonts [sp], lovers, friends, spouses, family etc. And maybe we get out hopes up so high for the possibility that since they care for us also they won't hurt us or do us wrong?
The only people that have never done me dirty is my mom and my son. Also a very select few friends. But I wouldn't put anything past anyone right now.
I've been let down and hurt by one person that has been the closest to me the past 9 months. I don't think I could every trust or confide or love or care or anything for someone again. The people that are in my life now I love and would do anything for BUT I am even at the point to where I don't even know if I wanna put any effort into anyone besides me son of course.
I always say "do you" I need to take my own advice because it doesn't seem like anything else is working for me relationship wise.
18 hours ago, I was happy, in love, enjoying life. Now I'm trying to get back to that state of mind while moving past the last 18 hours

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