Tuesday, November 10, 2009

do you

I know I was supposed to do a sex post today but I have been going threw relationship problems myself.
Relationships are hard to manage. Wheather they are friendly or romantic. I know when I care for someone I care for them more than I should. I had a friend that took advantage of me for 10 years! Had to cut her off... its hard letting someone you care for go... even if you know its an unhealthy relationship.
People take others for granted all the time.
In the end we just need to wory about ourselves and the kids we have [if any] because in the end that's all we have.


1 comment:

  1. being taken advantage of SUCKS BIGG TIME! but to have it done by someone so close . . . ughh i feel u girl . . . but never the less it hurts, but ur strong . . . and when they say life throws lemons at u . . . pick em up and throw them at someone else . . . !
